An invitation to attend and contribute to an online tribute to our colleague Terry Patterson.

We know many of you will have already read the GMWRAG tribute to our colleague Terry Patterson as well as the many tributes from NAWRA and others on social media.

GMWRAG members have been shaken to our core by the loss of Terry and so we are immensely pleased to let you know about an online tribute event taking place between 7 and 8pm on Monday the 8th of February 2021. This will offer a brief opportunity for attendees to explain how they knew Terry and express their thoughts on him. It is a free but ticketed event and tickets can be booked via EventBrite.

We hope that all GMWRAG members will be able to free up an hour to be able to pay tribute to the one GMWRAG member of whom it could truly be said we simply wouldn’t have continued to exist without him.