
Over the years GMWRAG has often provided volunteers to run workshops at various events. These consist of us maybe setting the scene for 5 or 10 minutes and then facilitating a discussion backed up by specific documents for people to take away and digest rather than be used during the session. Some examples are available below.

DLA, PIP and Nystagmus – September 2018

Imminent Changes To Social Security – May 2003

Extra Notes – A Fresh Approach On Decisions And Overpayments – July 2002

If you would like someone to come and talk benefits to your organisation or to facilitate a discussion or workshop all you have to do is Contact GMWRAG.

At the time of writing we have a very nice pop up display banner we can bring with us, The colours on the bottom of our banner are headache inducing although, on the bright side, they do at least hide the fact that the url for the GMWRAG web site is no longer correct. Subject to time, resources and funding we can produce appropriate handouts if needed.