Relevant links

We’ve added this page as repository for all the sites we know about that deal with some aspect of mental health and welfare rights. If you think we’ve missed something out please let us know.

Please note that these links live here rather than with all the other links on the right side of each page because

  • we believe those links already make that panel too long, and,
  • logically we would then have to add sections for other issues such as physical disability or sensory impairment. We could go on forever and the net is already quite good at that sort of thing.
  • we’re trying to retain the idea that NWMHWRG remains a separate identity so it makes more sense to do this here.

Anyway, here we go. This is a list of sites that are neither recommended or comprehensive. They are simply resources which have been brought to our attention. We make no claims for quality. Visit at your own risk.

Access To Social Security Benefits For People Who Are Unable To Work Because Of Mental Illness

Case studies

Combat Stress

E-learning resources

Guardian most useful sites on mental health

Mental Health Foundation


Mindful Employer

Rethink Mental Illness

Rochdale – an advice project in action

Turning Point


Shaw Trust


Sound Minds
