“Justice For All” – – a public meeting on Tuesday the 23rd of September 2014 in Manchester.

Access To Advice and Justice Alliance North are holding a public meeting on cuts to legal aid and advice services, and the future of publicly funded legal advice when the Labour Party Conference is on in Manchester.
See below for more information and leaflet.
‘Justice for All’ Public meeting
Tuesday the 23rd of September 2014,  from 5 pm.
Cross Street Chapel, Manchester.
Our speakers include
We will also be screening the Justice Alliance film about the impact of legal aid cuts. 
Make a date. Join us in September.
Please tell other people about the meeting. Use the attached leaflet.
Ooh, look! Flyer STUFF!!!
And more! Fringe STUFF!!!
The Access 2 Advice page will be updated with this stuff in due course. Please bear with us. So much to write. So little time.