Dear Friends & Colleagues

                                                Greater Manchester Law Centre Xmas Invite – Wednesday 20th December from 6pm

                                                667/669 Stockport Road, Levenshulme, Manchester ,M12 4QE

Join us over an Xmas mince pie and drink to celebrate another year of fighting for free Access to Justice. A year in which GMLC:

  • dealt with 12,000+ legal enquiries,
  • took on over 1,000 cases,
  • fought to ensure dozens of homeless people got accommodation
  • recovered almost £1.5m from the DWP in benefits and
  • forced the Govt to uplift national asylum rates by 10%+ for 60,000 destitute families.   

It will be an opportunity for a sneak preview of our 10 years of (In)justice event at Manchester Museum in January too – based upon 10 voices of people denied justice and 10 art exhibits representing their stories.

It wil be a chance to say hello and thank you to everyone that has made this happen.  We are inviting staff, volunteers and friends to join us.

Please RSVP to so that we can make sure we have enough food etc

Best Wishes
