GMWRAG has some sad news.

GMWRAG has learned in the past 24 hours the very sad news of the passing of member Don Williams. Don was known for many years as one of the two regular GMWRAG attendees from what used to be Bury Welfare Rights Service. Indeed we suspect he was one of the original attendees back in the day and he continued to attend up to as recently as January 2013, although on at least one occasion since then he found his way to one of our many post meeting meetings even when he couldn’t make the meeting itself.

Don came to welfare rights advice relatively late but brought a wealth of life experience; knowledge; empathy and compassion to bear and was an example to all of us especially in his passion and commitment. He had been passionate about helping people for many years and many of us were confused to learn he was retired. We’re not convinced he ever did.

He was also a very likeable man whose stories many of us particularly enjoyed listening to and his mellifluous Welsh tones in those post meeting meetings in various pubs over the years left their mark. The few Welsh GMWRAG members also appreciated an ally from Gods own country.

With grateful thanks to GMWRAG members Kurt Kleinschmidt and Roger Thompson.

The funeral will take place at Stockport Crematorium on Wednesday the 26th of October 2016 at 11:20 a.m.  This is a 17 minute walk from Stockport Railway station to which there are regular trains from Manchester Piccadilly station.

GMWRAG offers our deepest condolences to Don’s family and friends at this sad time.