It’s been a long time coming but a change is gonna… oh no, hang on…

Er, it has been a long time coming. The first almost timely/contemporaneous update of the NWMHWRAG minutes page of 2023. Yes folks we are almost back on track. Even the password seems to be working again.

Slightly undone by techy bods having a hissy fit and no longer supporting Twitter of Space X or whatever it’s called this week so what we post on here won’t magically appear on there with zero effort on there. Something we deeply resent. Yes, we’re going to have to “do” something. Rest assured we are “on it”.

“Sssh. Are they looking?”

So, we may have waited until all the members of NWMHWRAG were out at a meeting before posting this :).

Just wanted to let you all know that a small backlog of emails going back, ooh, “months” and containing minutes for this years meetings has now been addressed and those minutes have been uploaded to the NWMHWRAG minutes archive where they could be viewed were it not for the fact that there appears to be a small password issue. Well, quite a long password in reality but the issue itself is, hopefully, small.

Whilst we’re 100% confident we know what the password for the minutes is (because we’re privileged and get to see it), it has decided for some reason to not let us in. No obvious reason for this. It just is. Possibly a punishment for being tardy with web site updates.

In order to make sure this is not just an “us” thing, it would be appreciated if one or two members of the group could finish up their Franco Manco pizza; clean their sticky fingers and test out whether they can access the minutes and then let us know.

Please don’t volunteer for this activity if you can’t remember the password. It’s Friday for goodness sake. Only try and access if you’re one of those sensible people who has definitely remembered the password 🙂

On the other hand, if no-one steps forward, then yeah just email us and we’ll remind you of the password and wait for you to tell us that’s all fine and it is in fact just us.

The minutes of the November 2022 NW MH WRAG are now available.

This site has a lot of minutes on it. Now it has another set. We wish there was a more original way of putting this but… well if you can think of one then by all means let us know.

Until then though the November 2022 minutes of the NW MH WRAG (we’re just breaking that up because we’re bored and it’s easier to read) are available to view from the NWMHWRAG (no-one said we have to be consistent) web pages.

Incidentally, were you even aware that NW MH WRAG had it’s own section of the GMWRAG web site? If you have ideas for freshening it up or things you’d like to see added to any section then by all means let us know.

In the meantime, let them eat cake, go read some minutes.

The NWMHWRAG minutes are now available.

As per the title, the minutes are now available for the July 2022 meeting. These can be found at the usual location. You will of course need the usual password if you’re not on the mailing list which receives the minutes directlly.

Sobering to read back through that page and realise that next year will be the 25th anniversary of this particular GMWRAG sub-group. An astonishing achievement given the many other sub-groups which have come and gone.

A sneaky late addition.

A late addition to the documents uploaded in consequence of the last NWMHWRAG meeting. Amongst the questions submitted in advance was a reference at 11a and b to Condition Insight Reports.

IAS have kindly provided a copy of theirs and also given permission for us to share it with GMWRAG members as they consider it a document they’re open to sharing with stakeholders on the basis that the contents derive from partnerships with stakeholders, specialists and their training department.

The document in question can be found in the Presentations sub page of the NWMHWRAG section of our site. We recommend all GMWRAG members have a look at the document in question as it brings into sharp relief the approach HCPs ought to have towards specific medical conditions and highlights a number of obvious omissions.

GMWRAG members with a special interest in those conditions which are not in the document may want, for example, to highlight the omissions to those charities representing those with those conditions. You may even want to offer corrections; updates etc.

Enhancing our reputation as tardy wotsits.

With apologies to the wider GMWRAG community we received these documents on the 15th of June 2022 and so, yes, it really has taken us 2 weeks to break open the browser tab and upload the thingumajigs.

The minutes of the May 2022 meeting of the North West Mental Health Welfare Rights Advisers Group can be found in their usual location hidden away in an unseen and possibly unclean corner of our web presence. It’s so dark and unswept you will of course require a password. This months clue is that the password has no spaces; no special characters and 15 letters. It’s dead secure, honest. Is “N” a special character?

Equally well hidden away we also have the questions posed in advance to IAS and DWP Advocacy Services. Technically not a presentation but that seemed the best place to put it. Anyway, cleverly, someone has added a nice little summary of the answers.

And yes, before anyone asks, we are aware something has gone awry with the formatting on the latter page. If we could fix it, we would have. We may yet.

Actually we have noticed that the only people who ever ask are retired GMWRAG members. As Vic Reeves once said “You just wouldn’t let it lie.”