Seriously Weird Stuff Going Down.

So some us have noticed that every time they update Teams the search goes to hell in a handcart. Similarly, changes to the platform hosting our jolly little site quietly manage to screw things up we don’t understand. All this to say that we have updated a couple of NWMHWRAG pages and the formatting has deteriorated somewhat. We are reliably informed by others with more technical knowledge than ourselves that it has “gone to cack”.
One way of saying that the now published minutes of the last meeting of NWMHWRAG and the accompanying presentation are now live but don’t look quite as beautiful as they ought. They are however now “out” and can be found on our now slightly (un)usual minutes page and our equally wrongly shaped presentations page.

GMWRAG has finally run out of interesting ways to say… it’s time for another meeting of the North West Mental Health WR Advisers Group.

We’ve tried to be funny. We’ve tried to be obtuse. We’ve tried correcting the date format just to be irritating. Finally, we are, all these years later, all out of hope that there is any original or eye-catching way to say the same as we have always said. So…

The next meeting of the NWMHWRAG will take place at 10am on Friday the 28th of January 2022. Oh yeah, happy new year from all at NWMHWRAG.

The speakers will be Ketan Mistry and Benjamin Cavanagh from Maximus, the assessment provider for Work Capability Assessments. They are going to talk about forthcoming changes to assessment provision for both Work Capability Assessments and PIP decisions. They are also going to outline regional liaison meetings which are being set up.

The meeting will be held virtually on Microsoft Teams. In order to access the meeting, you will need an email from Helen Rogers at Stockport with the link. If you wish to attend, please email Helen by 5pm on Tuesday the 25th of January 2022. Helen will not be able to send the link to anyone who contacts her after this time.

Agenda for the Bolton GMWRAG meeting now available.

The agenda for the next GMWRAG meeting, which is being held in Bolton for the first time in 8 years, is now available for download. Our post on the 22nd of January 2016 gives you all the information you need to be able to attend the meeting.

We are very pleased to confirm that, as per our post on the 25th of February 2016 we have Mario Dunn as our speaker from Maximus. Fuller details are within the agenda.

We are aware some of you may be considering attending the NAWRA meeting on the same day in Derbyshire. What can we say? We’re easier to get to (probably even if you live in Derbyshire :)) and they don’t have a speaker from Maximus 🙂

We’ll see you there.

Speaker for the next GMWRAG meeting.

Following on from the announcement that GMWRAG will be returning to Bolton for the first time in 8 years we are pleased to announce that we have our 1st speaker. The full agenda will be sent out in due course, and there may yet be a 2nd speaker, but we wanted to give GMWRAG members as much advanced notice as possible as this is a new venue for the meeting.

At 10am we are pleased to announce we will be having a presentation from Mario Dunn, who is Director of Communications at the Centre for Health and Disability Assessments, which is of course run by Maximus. Mario will be with us for an hour and as well as the presentation there will be time within that for questions. It’s hard to imagine GMWRAG members won’t have questions! However, we have asked for there to be a focus on

You’ve got to admit it makes a change from pictures of council buildings and city centres! 🙂

Thanks are due especially to Martin Forsythe,  Public Affairs and Stakeholder Relations Manager at CHDA and our friends at Stockport Advice for making this happen.

We look forward to seeing you all there.